eHealth Strategies for the Continuum of Care  

Wired Physicians Office

Wired Physicians Office
Transactions & Analysis

Connection Technologies
Intelligent Agents
Wireless Devices
Patient Encounter
Contact Information

Patient Encounter of the Future

The wired physician's office

Step 4. The physician is prompted by a clinical guidelines system for consideration with diagnosis possibilities based on the patient's "reason for visit" and medical history.

Step 5. The physician enters notes in the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) about the patient encounter (probably via voice recognition).
A. The chief complaint is completed automatically.
B. The physician adds procedure, diagnosis, and ordering notes.
C. All medical measuring or monitoring devices used are also connected to the patient's EMR, and the physician's email and/or voice mail.

Step 6. Prescriptions are checked for adverse drug interactions and formulary status and are preapproved by the payor.
A. Stock at the pharmacy is verified and the order electronically fulfilled.
B. The patient visits the pharmacy or receives the prescription via next-day mail.

All healthcare providers should be using EMR's

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